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OCR: Sea Kayaking in Irian Jaya Days 1T Denpasar Bali Da 1v tO Biak Irian Jaya Afternoon snorkeling Day F1y to Manok wari and drive to the viliage of Ransiki Da Motor to the small coral island of Nuserau then paddle to Youmakan and Rumperon Islands Day Kayak around Purup and its neighboring islands. outrig ger boats to Cendera iwasi Bay Day Paddle tc Yop Island After noon motor trip Wasior Evening participation in traditional Irian ese dance and 51 inging ceremony with the 1oca1 villagers Day Day trip in the motorboat and outr igger canoes and hike and boat trip up the Wosimi River 0 100k for freshwater crocodiles birds of par adise and other exotic endemic birds Days 10-11: Kayak along the coast the Vandammen Peninsula to Yende Da Paddle among the Auri Islands ba Motor to Ransiki and eturn to ...